7 Things I Learned At 6 Weeks

July 20th, 2018 marks 6 weeks to the day that I had Londyn. It’s hard to believe that I had my little for six weeks at the time, time truly does fly by fast. I learned so many things in the short amount of time.

Here are 7 things I learned;

  1. Use your instincts, silence the noise around you and do what your gut tells you to do. 
  2. The key to mastering motherhood is mastering yourself. 
  3. Don’t forget you, make you a priority. 
  4. Have non-fk that make you feel like YOU!
  5. Try breastfeeding for a full month before you give up. 
  6. Formula fed babies are perfectly fine babies. Don’t feel pressure to breastfeed. 
  7. 1 hr of movement everyday is so good for your heart and mind. 