I feel the need to preface this piece by saying that a happy, healthy, fed baby is the best kind of baby there is. With that said I never could have imagined the amount of formula shaming i’d come up against while pregnant and especially postpartum. Here’s a small fact that a lot of people who push breastfeeding need to know, IT’S NOT ALWAYS AN OPTION FOR EVERYONE! In 2010 a young carefree Alisha had a breast reduction done, at the time when my doctor talked about breastfeeding, it was so far in the future that it didn’t even matter. He told me the possible side effects and statistics and still to be honest it fell on deaf ears and I proceeded with the operation.
As a 29 year old, I don’t think I have any regrets going through with the surgery however in hindsight, would I have putt of for the chance to breastfeed my daughter without complications? Absolutely! Breastfeeding is beautiful, its such a rewarding extension of the bond that a mother and her child can share. We also know that breastfeeding is best, there is no substitute that will ever fully do for a child what breastmilk can, it’s truly the 8th wonder of this world, it’s healing nutrients and the way a woman’s body learns what the child needs most based on the child’s saliva is incredible.

However I never could have imagined the amount of formula shaming that came with child birth. I was not able to breastfeed past two months, my supply was there however my flow was restricted due to cut ducts that happened as a result of my 2010 operation. I so desperately wanted to breastfeed, I wanted that extra bit of closeness and that bond, I wanted the exclusivity of giving my daughter something from me alone. I wanted that time with her in that very personal and special way. That dream was short lived, however in-spite of not being able to breastfeed and the disappointment that set in I was grateful. I was so grateful that we live in such an advanced world that in the absence of me and my ability to feed my child from my own supply there was still a way for my daughter to eat and get the nutrients that she needs.

I’m grateful that I can still provide her with food that will sustain her and help her grow. What I need people to understand is that not every formula fed child had an option, as a single mother, breastfeeding was very hard, to be awake all night and then subsequently all day and have to be “on” would drain me and spiral me into exhaustion. It would have made my fourth trimester miserable, but because of formula I could sleep at night and be present in the morning and throughout the day.

10 months later I have a busy, vibrant, happy and healthy bundle of joy, my daughter is fed, she is growing beautifully, the doctors never have concerns and again I remain grateful that when I wasn’t able to make a way, there was a way made for me and mine.
Ꮢiⅾiculous quest there. What occurred after? Thankѕ!