Stick with it-don’t give up
Whatever ‘it’ is, stick with it, don’t give up at the first sight that things aren’t going well. Excitement often starts us off, consistency is what makes us successful. One drop of water will roll off a rock, however constant pressure has the ability to erode an entire coastline. Be the water, be the pressure, keep going don’t give up and no matter how much they pull you back, keep moving forward.
Lose the world and find you
It takes guts to lose the world, it takes guts to step out of your comfort zone, to go places where you haven’t been, to venture into the unknown but when you do the universe will reward you and you’ll find out who you really are. That is always the goal, find you, experiences trump material things.
Resilience is like a muscle that you have to constantly work on, the more you use it, the strong it gets. You’re no different, keep picking yourself up after each all, keep going for what you want and what you believe in no matter how many times you’ve turned down.
Trust your gut
We were built with intuition as an internal safety compass, it’s meant to guide us and protect us, but so often we shut it off and don’t tune into it, especially when we need to. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right, trust your internal voice, it’s God’s guidance.
Make your home wherever you go
Home doesn’t always have to be a place, it’s most certainly a feeling as well. You can find home wherever you go if you look.
Yes girl, so proud of you! xoxo